Research Interest
Our research interest spans chemistry, biology, materials science and medical sciences, with a main focus on the following three aspects.
Development of fluorescent and chemiluminescent chemical probes for glycotransferases, glycosidases and carbohydrate binding proteins.
Targeted disease diagnosis, therapy and theranostics using biocompatible materials functionalized with glycoclusters and/or other biomolecules including antibodies, peptides, aptamers and small-molecule ligands.
Development of diagnostic agents for disease biomarkers with abnormal glycosylation levels.
研究方向聚焦糖组学解码新技术与糖靶向疾病诊治新策略,迄今共发表SCI论文200余篇,其中以(共同)通讯/第一作者发表的代表性论文包括2篇Chem (Cell Press),1篇PNAS,10篇J. Am. Chem. Soc.,3篇Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,1篇Nat. Commun.,2篇Sci. Bull.,3篇Adv. Mater.,3篇Adv. Funct. Mater.,11篇Chem. Sci.,1篇Chem. Rev.,10篇Chem. Soc. Rev.,所有论文获引用10000余次(h因子52),ESI高被引/热点论文20篇,申请国家发明专利10余项(其中8项获授权)。
2021年入选英国皇家化学会会士,2020–2023年连续4年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者,2023年入选美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔数据库联合发布的“World’s Top 2% Scientists”(Single year 2022),曾获Thieme Chemistry Journals Award(2020),中国化学会青年化学奖(2018),中国化学会化学生物学突出贡献奖(35周岁以下)(2018)。作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金委“生物大分子动态修饰与化学干预”重大研究计划重点支持项目(2019–2022),并作为学术骨干进一步获集成项目资助(2023–2025;项目负责人:李佳研究员)。
Selected publications
Superresolution imaging of antibiotic-induced structural disruption of bacteria enabled by photochromic glycomicelles
X.-L. Hu, H.-Q. Gan, W.-Z. Gui, K.-C. Yan, J. L. Sessler*, D. Yi*, H. Tian, X.-P. He*
PNAS 2024, 121, e2408716121.
Fluorogenic Peptide Sensor Array Derived from Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Classifies Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Variants of Concern
W.-T. Dou†, P.-H. Tong†, M. Xing†, J.-J. Liu, X.-L. Hu, T. D. James*, D.-M. Zhou*, X.-P. He*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 21017–21024.
Orthogonally Engineered Albumin with Attenuated Macrophage Phagocytosis for the Targeted Visualization and Phototherapy of Liver Cancer.
W.-T. Dou, P. Qiu, Y.-Y. Shi, L. Zhu, C. Guo, N. Li, Y. Zang, T.-T. Liu, S.-W. Zhao, Y.-F. Pan, L.-W. Dong, J. L. Sessler*, Y.-X. Tan*, J. Li*, H.-Y. Wang*, H. Tian, X.-P. He*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 17377–17388.
Phenotyping of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Using a Ratiometric Sensor Array.
X.-L. Hu†, H.-Q. Gan†, Z.-Y. Qin, Q. Liu, M. Li*, D.-J. Chen*, J. L. Sessler*, H. Tian, X.-P. He*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 8917-8926.
Tuning the Solid- and Solution-State Fluorescence of the Iron-Chelator Deferasirox.
X.-L. Hu†, A. C. Sedgwick†*, D. N. Mangel†, Y. Shang, A. Steinbrueck, K. Yan, L. Zhu, D. W. Snelson, S. Sen, C. V. Chau, G. Juarez, V. M. Lynch, X.-P. He*, J. L. Sessler*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 7382–7390.
A homogeneous high-throughput array for the detection and discrimination of influenza A viruses.
W.-T. Dou†, X. Wang†, T. Liu, S. Zhao, J. Liu, Y. Yan, J. Li, C. Zhang, A. C. Sedgwick, H. Tian, J. L. Sessler*, D. M. Zhou*, X.-P. He*
Chem 2022, 8, 1750-1761.
Fluorescent probes for the detection of disease-associated biomarkers.
W.-T. Dou†, H.-H. Han†, A. C. Sedgwick, G.-B. Zhu, Y. Zang, X.-R. Yang*, J. Yoon*, T. D. James*, J. Li*, X.-P. He*
Sci. Bull. 2022, 67, 853-878. (ESI highly cited paper)
Deferasirox (ExJade): An FDA-Approved AIEgen Platform with Unique Photophysical Properties.
A. C. Sedgwick†, K.-C. Yan†, D. N. Mangel†, Y. Shang, A. Steinbrueck, H.-H. Han, J. T. Brewster II, X.-L. Hu, D. W. Snelson, V. M. Lynch, H. Tian, X.-P. He*, J. L. Sessler*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 1278-1283. (ESI highly cited paper)
Photochromic Fluorescent Probe Strategy for the Super-resolution Imaging of Biologically Important Biomarkers.
X. Chai†, H.-H. Han†, A. C. Sedgwick†, N. Li, Y. Zang, T. D. James, J. Zhang*, X.-L. Hu, Y. Yu, Y. Li, Y. Wang, J. Li*, X.-P. He*, H. Tian
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 18005-18013.
Cyclodextrin-Based Peptide Self-Assemblies (Spds) That Enhance Peptide-Based Fluorescence Imaging and Antimicrobial Efficacy.
J.-B. Jiao†, G.-Z. Wang†, X.-L. Hu†, Y. Zang, S. Maisonneuve, A. C. Sedgwick, J. L. Sessler*, J. Xie*, J. Li*, X.-P. He*, H. Tian
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 1925-1932.
A Supramolecular‐Based Dual‐Wavelength Phototherapeutic Agent with Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity against Drug Resistant Bacteria.
Z.-H. Yu†, X. Li†, F. Xu†, X.-L. Hu, J. Yan, N. Kwon, G.-R. Chen, T. Tang, X. Dong, Y. Mai*, D. Chen*, J. Yoon*, X.-P. He*, H. Tian
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 3658-3664.
Bio-Conjugated Advanced Materials for Targeted Disease Theranostics.
X.-L. Hu, N. Kwon, K.-C. Yan, A. C. Sedgwick, G.-R. Chen, X.-P. He*, T. D. James*, J. Yoon*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907906.
Multivalent Glycosheets for Double Light–Driven Therapy of Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria on Wounds
X.-L. Hu, L.-Y. Chu, X.-J. Dong, G.-R. Chen, T.-T. Tang, D.-J. Chen*, X.-P. He*, He Tian
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1806986.
Self-assembled sialyllactosyl probes with aggregation-enhanced properties for ratiometric detection and blocking of influenza viruses.
W.-T. Dou, Z.-Y. Qin, J. Li, D.-M. Zhou, X.-P. He*
Sci. Bull. 2019, 64, 1902-1909.
Lightening up Membrane Receptors with Fluorescent Molecular Probes and Supramolecular Materials.
X.-P. He, H. Tian*
Chem 2018, 4, 246-268. (ESI highly cited paper; Invited review)
An ESIPT Probe for the Ratiometric Imaging of Peroxynitrite Facilitated by Binding to Aβ-Aggregates.
A. C. Sedgwick†, W.-T. Dou†, J.-B. Jiao, L. Wu, G. T. Williams, A. T. A. Jenkins, S. D. Bull, J. L. Sessler*, X.-P. He*, T. D. James*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 14267-14271.
Photo-Controlled Fluorescence “Double-Check” Bioimaging Enabled by a Glycoprobe-protein Hybrid.
Y. Fu†, H.-H. Han†, J. Zhang*, X.-P. He*, B. L. Feringa, H. Tian*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 8671-8674.
Supramolecular Nanostructures of Structurally Defined Graphene Nanoribbons in Aqueous Phase.
Y. Huang, W.-T. Dou, F. Xu, H.-B. Ru, Q. Gong, D. Wu, D. Yan, H. Tian, X.-P. He*, Y. Mai*, X. Feng
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 3366-3371. (Very Important Paper)
Remote Light-Controlled Intracellular Target Recognition by Photochromic Fluorescent Glycoprobes.
J. Zhang, Y. Fu, H.-H. Han, Y. Zang, J. Li*, X.-P. He*, B. L. Feringa, H. Tian*
Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 987. (ESI highly cited paper; ESI hot paper; Highlighted by Sci. China Chem.)
Fluorogenic 2D Peptidosheet Unravels CD47 as a Potential Biomarker for Profiling Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma Tissues.
Y.-H. Ma†, W.-T. Dou†, Y.-F. Pan, L.-W. Dong, Y.-X. Tan, X.-P. He*, H. Tian, H.-Y. Wang*
Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1604253. (ESI highly cited paper; Inside back cover)
Targeted Intracellular Production of Reactive Oxygen Species by a 2D Molybdenum Disulfide Glycosheet.
D.-K. Ji, Y. Zhang, Y. Zang, J. Li*, G.-R. Chen, X.-P. He*, H. Tian
Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 9356-9363. (ESI hot paper)
Rapid Identification of the Receptor-Binding Specificity of Influenza A Viruses by Fluorogenic Glycofoldamers.
X.-P. He*, Y.-L. Zeng, X.-Y. Tang, N. Li, D.-M. Zhou*, G.-R. Chen, H. Tian*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13995-13999. (ESI hot paper; Inside back cover)
Simultaneous Detection of Diverse Glycoligand-Receptor Recognitions Using a Single-Excitation, Dual-Emission Graphene Composite
D.-K. Ji, G.-.R Chen, X.-P. He*, H. Tian
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 3483-3487.
Fluorogenic Probing of Specific Recognitions between Sugar Ligands and Glycoprotein Receptors on Cancer Cells by an Economic Graphene Nanocomposite.
H.-L. Zhang, X.-L. Wei, Y. Zang, J.-Y. Cao, S. Liu, X.-P. He*, Q. Chen, Y.-T. Long, J. Li*, G.-R. Chen*, K. Chen
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 4097-4101. (Front cover)
Epimeric Monosaccharide-Quinone Hybrids on Gold Electrodes toward the Electrochemical Probing of Specific Carbohydrate–Protein Recognitions.
X.-P. He, X.-W. Wang, X.-P. Jin, H. Zhou, X.-X. Shi, G.-R. Chen, Y.-T. Long*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3649-3657.
Theranostic Fluorescent Probes.
A. Sharma*, P. Verwilst, M.-L. Li, D.-D. Ma, N. Singh, J. Yoo, Y. Kim, Y. Yang, J.-H. Zhu, H.-Q. Huang, X.-L. Hu, X.-P. He*, L.-T. Zeng*, T. D. James*, X.-J. Peng*, J. L. Sessler*, J. S. Kim*
Chem. Rev. 2024, 124, 2699–2804.
The design of small-molecule prodrugs and activatable phototherapeutics for cancer therapy.
H.-H. Han, H.-M. Wang, P. Jangili, M. Li, L. Wu*, Y. Zang, A. C. Sedgwick*, J. Li*, X.-P. He*, T. D. James*, J. S. Kim*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2023, 52, 879-920.(ESI highly cited paper)
Fluorescent probes for the detection of chemical warfare agents.
W.-Q. Meng†*, A. C. Sedgwick†, N.Kwon, M. Sun, K. Xiao*, X.-P. He*, E. V. Anslyn*, T. D. James*, J. Yoon*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2023, 52, 601-662.
Small-molecule fluorescence-based probes for interrogating major organ diseases.
H.-H. Han, H. Tian Jr., Y. Zang, A. C. Sedgwick, J. Li*, J. L. Sessler*, X.-P. He*, T. D. James*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 9391-9429. (ESI highly cited paper)
Fluorescent probes for the imaging of lipid droplets in live cells.
H. Tian Jr., A. C. Sedgwick, H.-H. Han, S. Sen, G.-R. Chen, Y. Zang, J. L. Sessler*, T. D. James*, J. Li*, X.-P. He*
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2021, 427, 213577. (ESI highly cited paper)
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-Based Small-Molecule Sensors and Imaging Agents.
L. Wu, C. Huang*, B. P. Emery, A. C. Sedgwick, S. D. Bull, X.-P. He, H. Tian*, J. Yoon*, J. L. Sessler*, T. D. James*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 5110-5139. (ESI highly cited paper; ESI hot paper)
Transition Metal Chelators, Pro-Chelators, and Ionophores as Small Molecule Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents.
A. Steinbrueck, A. C. Sedgwick, J. T. Brewster II, K.-C. Yan, Y. Shang, D. M. Knoll, G. I. Vargas-Zúñiga, X.-P. He*, H. Tian*, J. L. Sessler*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 3726-3747.
Metal-Based Imaging Agents: Progress towards Interrogating Neurodegenerative Disease.
A. C. Sedgwick, J. T. Brewster II, P. Harvey*, D. A. Iovan, G. Smith, X.-P. He*, H. Tian*, J. L. Sessler*, T. D. James*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 2886-2915.
Fluorescent Glycoconjugates and Their Applications.
B. Thomas†, K.-C. Yan†, X.-L. Hu, M. Donnier-Maréchal, G.-R. Chen*, X.-P. He*, S. Vidal*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 593-641.
Fluorogenic Probes for Disease-Relevant Enzymes.
J. Zhang†, X. Chai†, X.-P. He*, H.-J. Kim*, J. Yoon*, H. Tian
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019, 48, 683-722. (ESI highly cited paper)
Excited-State Intramolecular Proton-Transfer (ESIPT) Based Fluorescence Sensors and Imaging Agents.
A. C. Sedgwick, L. Wu, H.-H. Han, S. D. Bull*, X.-P. He*, T. D. James*, J. L. Sessler*, B.- Z. Tang*, H. Tian*, J. Yoon*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2018, 47, 8842-8880. (ESI highly cited paper; ESI hot paper)
Multiplexed Photoluminescent Sensors: Towards Improved Disease Diagnostics.
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 6687-6696. (Tutorial review)
Probing Disease-Related Proteins with Fluorogenic Composite Materials.
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44, 4239-4248. (ESI highly cited paper; Tutorial review)
Fluorescent Chemosensors
RSC 2023, ISBN: 978-1-83916-386-9